Despite my resolve to give myself a break from theatre, I found myself at an audition last night. Earlier this week, when I saw the audition notice for a stage adaptation of Frankenstein, I was unable to pass it up.
I even dusted off that intense monologue from the end of Act 1 in "Amadeus" when Salieri declares war on God. Unfortunately I didn't really get a chance to do the monologue.
But I did read for Victor Frankenstein, his college buddy Henry, and Ernst, the German police inspector. My preference is Victor I think. I found myself slipping into this character with a quiet, desperate intensity. I tried to keep myself from stealing from Kenneth Branaugh too much, but I think I failed there.
The only other male actor who showed up wants Victor too, but I think he's a bit too old. However he had a skin-bald head and this strange British-thug kind of face with a weak chin. He was 6'3" or so, and a bit on the heavy side. Good voice too. I like him for the Creature a lot. He was in a different adaptation on the Square in Marietta in 1996.
Three ladies showed up to audition. The female roles are Victor's mother, his fiancee Elizabeth, a German maid named Sophie, and a girl named Justine who was a witness to the creature's appearance. A couple of the actresses read pretty well. None were really outstanding.
I'm excited about this one. I've been wanting to do something dark and intense for awhile, and what better way to celebrate Halloween this year...
10 years ago
I'm excited for you, honey! As much as I love being on stage, it will be nice to be able to sit in the audience this time... to be able to watch you in all your intense, dark, gothic splendor. :-)
Thanks baby. I look forward to seeing you in the audience. :-)
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