In my intro post, I mentioned that theatre was my calling. My current production is "A Midsummer Night's Dream", playing the part of Demetrius. While I'm ecstatic about doing Shakespeare again, and it's great that I'm playing a romantic lead for once, the rehearsals are getting a bit scary.
We are three weeks out before the show opens, and the actor playing Bottom is calling for lines every other sentence. I'm doing pretty well with my lines, and so is my real-life leading lady Wildspark (playing Titania), but she's suffering in her scenes with this lout with no short-term or long-term memory. I don't have any scenes with him myself, but since his was the role I really wanted, it's painful to watch him stumble, fumble, and stutter his way thru one of the principal comedic roles in the show.
On a positive note, I got to work on fight choreography last night for the first time ever! That was a blast. It feels wonderful not to have to sit on the sidelines for stuff like because of playing fat-guy roles. I get to catch Hermia in mid-air berserker frenzy claw dive at Helena, smack Lysander around a little, and strangle him just a teensy bit. I would have liked to throw more actual punches, but I think the scene's going to work well.
And I bled too! Such a guy thing, but I cut my leg on a rock on the ground and I was so proud! That blood signified the ability to do the physical work that I never was able to do before on stage. I didn't even want to wash it or put a band-aid on it, but Wildspark marched me to the restroom to do so anyway. :-)
Wildspark's got a lot of obstacles with other actors in her scenes, but I have to say I love watching her in this role. She moves with such grace and nobility as the fairy queen, and the power in her voice is a joy to hear. I loves you baby, keep owning it.
Also, I have to give props to the actor in the role of Puck. He was an unusual choice, and when I saw him the first night at rehearsals my jaw hit the floor. He is a great mountain of a man, with this wild streaked blond hair that stands straight up most of the time. I'd estimate him to be close to 400 pounds. But I laugh my ass off constantly whenever he's performing...he's got this huge presence on stage, and this great booming laugh and voice like tobacco and gravel. He spends most of his time as Puck chomping on a nasty Backwoods cigar and chugging from a gallon jug of water, which Im guessing will be some kind of elf-beer for the performance. It's the most unusual performance of Puck I've ever seen, but I think he's gonna rock this performance. Even if the other elements don't quite come together, I'd feel comfortable inviting folks to see it for his performance alone. Well, and me and Wildspark too of course. She's awesome, and I ain't no slouch either.
We are off tonight, no rehearsal. I think we're both looking forward to the chance for some R&R.
Until next time, pip pip, cheerio, and all that rot.
10 years ago
Ah, a much needed pep talk...thank you, darlin'. You're the best!
Well it sounds like you two are doing very well in your own parts and Puck just sounds like a reason to go in itself. I hope to be able to make it. Post the website and showtimes on your blog ya numbskull.
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